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As a Floresville resident born and raised with family roots several generations deep, this town of ours is very important to me. It is important not only because of my family history but also because of my family’s future. On Christmas Morning 2015, my wife Kristy and I welcomed into the world our first born child  Jacob Alexander “Alex” Silva. It was in preparation of starting our family that brought us back into Floresville, as we wanted for our children the same amazing childhood we had growing-up here.

It is with this in mind that I see so much opportunity for Floresville and all of its recent growth. But as author Dr. Samuel Chand writes, “Growth equals change; change equals loss; loss equals pain; So inevitably, growth equals pain.”.

My whole life I have been a jack of all trades. Growing up, I was known to take apart toys and gadgets just to see if I could put them back together again – and I could. I was an athlete for the entirety of my childhood, starting with Little League baseball, Cross Country and High School baseball with the Floresville Tigers.

I have always had a passion for learning new technologies and working with people. From managing a sandwich shop, to selling high-end appliances and electronics as a personal shopping assistant then, selling millions of dollars worth of armored vehicles to the ultra-rich all across the globe while also managing the web/print marketing needs of the company.

After recently becoming sole owners of the Home Health Agency we have been partners in since 2014, our team of over 10 employees specializing in Speech Therapy serves the greater San Antonio area, including Floresville. Here I oversee the financial and technological needs as well as manage State and Federal regulatory compliance.

I have proven myself to be a team player and a leader in a variety of challenging environments. My 9 months as a city councilman has been a challenging one. We have been faced with a stagnation of sales-tax revenue, increased spending and debt obligations related to infrastructure growth and projects born from past councils. But we move forward and continue to make the hard decisions necessary to ensure you are receiving the quality of service and protection you deserve.

I have championed the push for the installation of fiber-optic communication lines within our city to bring reliable high-speed internet to your homes and businesses. Frontier Communications and Spectrum are now doing just that. I have also made the push to make the city website accessible and easy to search, with the features you expect from a municipality in the year 2017. I made City Hall more accessible with the creation of a city Facebook page so now you get real-time notifications of meeting agendas and community news/events on the worlds largest social media platform.

These are just a few of the accomplishments that I have been a major part of in the 9 short months since taking office and I hope I can continue to be a part of bringing Floresville into the 21st Century and beyond. With that, I humbly ask for your vote to re-elect me as your City of Floresville Councilman, Place 3.

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